Top Hollywood Sci-Fi TV Series to Watch When You’re Bored

Science fiction has experienced a renaissance on the small screen, particularly in the last ten years, thanks partly to Marvel Studios' blockbuster rule at the box office, coupled with successes like Gravity and the latest run of Star Wars movies. The genre's output is no longer restricted to campy or niche programming; it is now just as well-liked and a must-watch as criminal procedurals or medical dramas, albeit with more expansive storytelling potential. Sci-fi has gained a reputation as royalty in the Peak TV era due to multiple live-action hits. Sci-Fi TV Series You Should Explore Battlestar Galactica: The show, which pits what's left of humanity against the artificial Cylon race, is a groundbreaking series that tackles the difficult questions of what it means to be human and to fight for the good when the lines between right and wrong are constantly blurred as the survival of a small group of brutal and desperate office...